Daniel Sapkaroski
Medical Radiation Practitioner
Daniel Sapkaroski
Current position: Medical Radiation Practitioner
Years Qualified: 5
Research areas of interest: Immersive Virtual Reality, SABR, Computer learning and 3D dose visualization
Would you describe yourself as a ‘novice’ or ‘experienced’ researcher? Experienced
Research qualifications: MMedRad completed 2014, PhDMed (ongoing)
What is your greatest research achievement?: VMRPET Grant award
Why and how did you get involved in research?: To discover and find new answers
How did you find a mentor/supervisor?: University contacts
What was/is your supervisor/mentor’s best advice?: Focus on thing at a time.
What do you enjoy most about being involved in research?: The constant challenges that it presents
What has been your biggest challenge or barrier to being involved in research?: Developing a research lab
What one piece of advice would you give other researchers?: Dont be afraid to seek help.