Kareen Grimshaw

Current position: Research Radiation Therapist

Years qualified as an RT: 30 years

Research areas of interest: Patient care, radiobiology, new technology

Research qualifications: PhD student – part-time (2012 – present).Topic: “Biological Evaluation of Radiation Treatment Plans for Head and Neck Cancers”.

What is your greatest research achievement?              

Getting started.

Why and how did you get involved in research?      

I enjoy the challenge of extending my knowledge.

How do you balance research/work/family life?       

“Work in progress”.

How did you find a mentor/supervisor?                    

Through the University of Otago.

What was your supervisor/mentor’s best advice?    

Not advice as such but I get loads of encouragement – that’s important.

What do you enjoy most about being involved in research? 

Learning something new everyday.

What has been your biggest challenge or barrier to being involved in research? 

Getting everything set up – research proposal, ethics, Maori consultation – two institutions, two sets of paperwork and the time it took it getting everything signed off before starting the research.

What one piece of advice would you give other researchers?

“Stay Calm and Carry On”.