Glenys Mahoney



Glenys Mahoney

Profession: Radiation Therapist

Current position: Clinical Research & Audit Co-ordinator

Years qualified: 23

What are your areas of interest in research?  Colorectal, NET

Would you describe yourself as a ‘novice’ or ‘experienced’ researcher? Novice

Why did you decide to get involved in research physically unable to lift patients

Who encouraged you to get involved in research and who do you go to for advice when you need it? Medical oncologist, CTNZ

What sort of activities/studies have you been involved in?  

Data manager for PIPER Project, Data Manager for NETworks, Lead site for S-AVANT, RE-COVERY(DVT/PE), Trog bladder trial(2004) as RT

What do you enjoy most about being involved in this/these research activities? 

Learning about the global treatment of various sites involving all modalities

What has been your biggest challenge or barrier to being involved in research? 

Finance not being approved. Patient number limitation

What one piece of advice would you give other researchers who have never been involved in research before?

Network with local research staff at current work place. Its hard to break into research as its dominated by nurses but they don’t have a degree in Oncology. Also look at doing the post graduate diploma in Clinical Research at Victoria University.

Is there any other information you wish to share with the network? 

Need to develop a body to challenge research rolls as only for nurses.

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