Rhys Fitzgerald




Rhys Fitzgerald



Current position: Radiation Therapist

Years qualified as an RT: 6

Research areas of interest: SABR, SRS, VMAT

Research qualifications: MAppSc (Ongoing)

Would you describe yourself as a ‘novice’ or ‘experienced’ researcher? Experienced

What is your greatest research achievement? Author on multiple peer reviewed journal articles

Why and how did you get involved in research?

Wanted to be able to better contribute to advancing my department forward

How do you balance research/work/family life?

It is hard, but you have to make sure that your research is supported by your department and family!

How did you find a mentor/supervisor?

Someone that has influenced your career and you can trust

What was/is your supervisor/mentor’s best advice? Take your time and do it right the first time

What do you enjoy most about being involved in research?

Able to better improve quality of life for patients

What has been your biggest challenge or barrier to being involved in research? Time

What one piece of advice would you give other researchers?

Find something you enjoy and run with it


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